Who we are


August 28, 2021

Sense the Incense

  • By admin

Hi! My name is Sharadha, today I am going to narrate my beautiful story of evolution.

I am the devoted child of the soil. I feel I am gifted as I am born with some humane qualities which are very important in our life-cycle. Amongst the contant cacophony of life, human beings always seek some solitary time to rejuvenate. This rejuvenation helps a person to move on further in life with renewed vigour. I feel blessed as I am able to induce a feeling of serenity, divinity and tranquility amongst my users. Yes; I am Sharadha and I am not an app unlike all my modern friends.I am real and not virtual.You can feel me, sense me, and light me. I burn to emit the fragrance of love and peace.